Puppies: Lee Woo & Diamond
Males: Wasabi, Bengal
Females: Sriracha, NextGene
French Bull Dog:
References:Under construction
BBCR Welcomes Marco Suarez as Director of American Bully Operations
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Please Contact:
Marco Suarez
1(310) 702 6179 or
Breeding The Ultimate American Bully
Suarez Bulls Kennels breeds for
big square blocky heads, very wide chests,
short compact bodies, and extreme bone and muscle with correct movement.
Excellent temperament is our highest priority.
Our foundation Blood is Razors Edge, Gaff and Gottiline.
We Prefer the extreme compact side of the Bully Pit Style...
a more compact, lower style of American Bully that still maintains substance and width,
while beingvery low to the ground.
Marco Suarez had the Great Honor to Receive the Recognition as the 2007 BKC Breeder of The Year.
Suarez Bulls had the HONOR to Receive Kennel of the Year Award 2008
Thank you The Bully League for such nice Recognition, Incredible way to Star our 2010 Year.
On May 28th of 2011 at the Louisiana Bayou Bully Expo, we had the pleasure to receive this Beautiful Statue, in Honor to R.I.P. CH The Samurai Paco, Thank you very much to The American kennels family.
Entrevista con Telelemundo 52
update: 01/26/2024